Details for Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute

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NameJawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute
Subunit nameJNTBGRI Gene Biorepository
StreetKarimancode P.O., Palode
Address extension
Postal code695562
Visitor address
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Contact details
General email
Logo URL
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DescriptionJawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) is one of the pioneer institutes in India devoted to the conservation and sustainable utilization of tropical biodiversity. The plant conservation activities of JNTBGRI are aligned with the targets laid out under the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which are highly relevant to all the targets under SDG 15. We are now home to over 4000 species, including several species endemic to the Western Ghats. JNTBGRI is unique in its conservation actions with conservatories for all major plant groups and exclusive conservatories for threatened species in India. JNTBGRI is structured in such a way that garden and research and development activities are carried out in an inclusive manner.
Selected institution types
Botanic garden, Government, Research institute
Collection rightsThe Living, Herbarium and Cultural Collections of the Botanic Garden and Herbarium are used for the purposes outlined in the Mission Statement of the Institute.
Access rightsThe Botanic Gardens is committed to making its Living Collection as broadly available as possible to the general public, students, scholars, members of the scientific community and landscape and garden professionals. Requests to use the Living Collection for research work should be addressed to the Director in the first instance. The Garden adheres to its operations with the National Biological Diversity Act and the guidelines from the National Biodiversity Authority, India.
Usage restrictionsAs per the National Biological Diversity Act and guidelines of the National Biodiversity Authority, India.
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Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute - JNTBGRI Gene Biorepository
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